Monday, March 23, 2015

Fire Pit!

We picked this area out for the barbeque / fire pit the first day we looked at it.  It was the perfect spot.  It had enough clearance and a great view of the creek.  The digging and leveling took a very long time.  I give all the credit to my husband, he did all the work himself.
The clearing out begins.


It's starting to look like a circle!

Almost there!

It took about 4 yards of gravel to fill the 20 ft. diameter circle.

We used the logs from the 60+ year old pine tree
that had to be taken down.  
It is a 40 foot slope / drop down to the creek. 
From this spot, it looks like an infinity fire pit.

Our favorite things are the stories that are told, the s'mores, and stargazing.  On a clear night, you can see millions of stars
and satellites orbiting.  On occasion, we see lightning bugs,
also known as fireflies!

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