Monday, March 3, 2014

Mama Needs a Hot Shower and Air Conditioning!

If Mama ain't happy, nobody's happy!  As much as I love being in nature, I don't like to glisten (sweat).  A new water heater, a/c and heat were first on the list!  I can't even function if I can't wash my hair or cool off.  One of my favorite finds thus far, is the log of filter changes, dating back to May of 1975.  Without it, we wouldn't have been able to identify the approximate age of the cabin.

 Original A/C

The original A/C and heat pump system had to be replaced....Ewww!

The electric water heater was shot too!  It wasn't even connected during our inspections.

Isn't she pretty?!?!  Hey, who broke my Post Oak Tree?

Hot water!

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